
The Field component can only be used inside a formRed() decorated component. This component uses context to connect to the current form.

There are three object props that your custom FormField component will receive:

  1. field - contains all the field props you passed, including the value from the redux store;
  2. handlers - contains all the event handlers needed by formRed() - mainly onChange(), onFocus() and onBlur();
  3. extra - contains some meta data for the field like touched and error values plus the form state inside form and the form action creators inside formActions;

Example usage

// my-form.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { formRed, Field } from 'formred';

const FormField = ({ field, handlers, extra: { touched, error, form, formActions } }) => (
          {...field} // { value: '', myProp1: '1', myProp2: '2' }
          {...handlers} // { onChange(), onFocus(), onBlur() }

        {touched && error && <div>Field error: {error}</div>}

class MyForm extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <form ...>

const formOpts = {
    name: 'myForm'

export default formRed(formOpts)(MyForm);

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